2 definitions by nothannahmontana

A beautiful, talented singer/songwriter/actress/dancer/horseback rider/juggler/swimmer/rodeo star/performer with a cute Tennessee accent and a great style. She lives a double life of being a regular (but hella smart) school girl by day, and a pop sensation by night. Most of her friends at school know her secret, but if the whole school were to find out, she would never get a break! This pop star has made a great impact on the music industry and nothing would be the same without her. PRAISE YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR HANNAH MONTANA
Peasant: "Hannah Montana is so dead now"
by nothannahmontana February 1, 2014
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Short for "Turned up"

Feeling so swag and crunk (NOT DRUNK)
Man I'm hella turnt rn
by nothannahmontana January 15, 2014
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