3 definitions by notbillclinton

"So, let me get this straight. You're telling me, that if you hadn't been able to jack off for two weeks, the first thing you would do immediately when you got home wouldn't be to go straight to the computer and start violently ripping your dick off? I don't believe you."
by notbillclinton April 11, 2015
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To have sex with a second time. To tap once again. Or if after a break up, to get back into having sex with.

Can be used as a play on "reheat" by saying "it's cold" in response if you're not going to. See example.
"You going to rehit that?"
"Nah, it's cold."
by notbillclinton August 19, 2009
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To Brett Favre it: to be indecisive about something.

Based on Brett Favre's decision to keep quitting and then returning to professional football.
"Yo, you finally stop hitting that?"
"Nah, I think I'm gonna Brett Favre it and go back."

"So are we getting deep dish or thin crust?"
"I don't know, he's still Brett Favreing it."

"Did you chose between Jill or Stacy?"
"Nope. I'm just going to Brett Favre it and go back and forth until one of them gets too pissed."
by notbillclinton August 19, 2009
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