15 definitions by notapaki

Disagreement with governing establishment. Was popular in USA in 1960's and early 70's in respect of "peace keeping" initiatives in Vietnam. Unfortunately, US dissenters didn't have conviviction in their beliefs to do more than wave flags and shout slogans. Many other cultures are prepared to make violent, destructive protests to imperialist dominance that disgusts them. Now considered an offence worthy of termination with extreme prejudice by US government that clearly has the right to dictate standards of behaviour and culture to everyone else alive in the world.
We will rid the world of terrorism. Well, except for Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim. But if we achieve this, it'll keep us clear for another 20-30 years. However, we will declare war with no reason (I.E. No hostile actions) on any fucking sandnigger that threatens our oil supply.
From the "State of the nation as I really believe it" G. W. Bush, leader of the free world (IQ 67).
by notapaki August 7, 2003
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seems as if it should be genderless but actually it's not. It means fucking homo.
Yeah, she sucks dicks but watch out for him, he's a fucking knobsucker.
by notapaki October 28, 2003
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Not the slice itself, but the map of Tasmania. In certain cases, grows out of control and gets into places you don't need it to inhabit.
Gross minge. I'll be flossing with pubes for weeks!
by notapaki August 27, 2003
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1. A well admired, respected and prominent member of the local community.
2. A colloquial greeting indicating friendship, usually in the London (or Cockney) area.
3. As alluded to by most of the previous posters, colloquiallism for penis.
4. Oh yeah. The original male chicken reference.
1. Look at him - he's the cock of the walk.
2. 'ello John - got the time on yer, cock.?
No, on me wrist actually.
3. I like to put my cock in girls, but it's nearly as good to pull it until I jizz on my mum's face.
4. I know you said it's chicken, but it tastes like cock.

And if anybody reads this far, the proper word is PRICK.
by notapaki August 7, 2003
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Indulge in consumption of alcoholic beverages; probably until physical impairment sets in.
I got sacked today - fuck it, I'm gonna tie one on
by notapaki August 10, 2003
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Depends on context. Either, admiration of an attractive woman or denigration of an unfavoured female...or an honest description of a romantic encounter. Finally, Victoria Adams' husband.
1. Oooh, that's tasty looking twat.
2. I wouldn't touch her twat with yours!
3. Yeah,I butchered her twat last night.
4. Beckham? Talentless, overrated twat!!
by notapaki August 20, 2003
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