69 definitions by not zane

The successor to the throne of John Wayne. This ese here can kill your arse 11 times before you hit the ground, all the while playing texas hold'em.
Clint Eastwood is the undisputed king of western movies, right after John Wayne.
by not zane September 10, 2004
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A word mistakingly used everyday. Im a white guy, and I could technically be a african american if I was born in Africa, and thus, immigrate to America.

Though black peoples roots are in Africa, they themselves were not born there. So that just makes them American, like everyone else born here.
I have a mostly german/scottish/irish/ french background, my roots are in europe, thus am I european American? Nah, im just American, because I was born here.
by not zane October 5, 2004
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Sorry to tell you this (Actually im not) but 50 cent's rap does in fact suck. Rapping about how he had sex with some random chicks, how is this meaningful music and why would someone care about it? A lot of kids listen to his crap (im talking about 13 year olds) and idolize the dude, why?

Because he is supposedly "Gangster" I ask you, what happend to any trace of good in the world, that kids idolize 50 cents gang? Do yourself a favor and listen to some real music.
Beethoven totally curb stomps 50 cents music all over the place.
by not zane July 23, 2004
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A nerd is what people refer to as a "social outcast", because they supposedly do not meet the needs for what "society" wants them to. (See: Jocks) Jocks are the biggest perpetrator to this, and often try to steal their lunch money. Most Jocks own ricers and (despite popular belief) hang out on the computer all the time. Jocks (See bully) are mostly responsible for school shootings.

Nerds usually spend a lot of time on a computer, most are socially awkward and cannot get a girlfriend, yet they are usually good people. Some nerds watch a horrible thing called Japanese animation SEE: anime

A nerd is persecuted by people (those in their teens) who try to be cool, and try to assert themselves in the highschool food chain, but they fail and learn that the nerd grows up to be more successful than any other person that persecuted him in highschool or college.

Nerds sometimes grow up to be very rich.
That nerd is rich - William Shakespeare

The nerd that I hath seen, is the sniggity snap, dawg - Julius Caesar
by not zane July 21, 2004
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Hex ten is correct in stating that it would be better if advertisers said "dont click here" instead of "click here" as it is human nature to find out, "what would happen if I did click here instead?"
I clicked there because it said DONT CLICK HERE and got a level 10 virus.

Darn you Jeff K
by not zane September 23, 2004
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White calcium-like deposits in your gums. According to shake of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, teeth are for gay people.
"Yeah, the reason I dont have teeth..... is because I got rid of them, because teeth are for gay people. Why do you think fairies come and get them?"
by not zane August 19, 2004
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A cruel and unusual mental torture involving sitting in a class for about an hour, trying to find out why the crap X and Y are such punks.

Suzy and Gary are going to a store, he buys 16,000 rounds for an M16, Suzy wants to buy an AK-47. Clearly Suzy has made the better choice, as she needs 17,000 more ammo magazines for it. 24 people are standing in line somewhere else, what is the meaning of life, what is the best car ever made. 14 more people want to buy guns. I have a pet dog, which is totally unrelated to this math problem, but hey, its math, its not supposed to make sense. Solve for X, punk!
Math class made me have multiple fractures in my skull, due to the fact that I slam my head on the desk for my free time during math class, as it is less agonizing than wracking my brain to solve a problem.

Tee hee.
by not zane September 15, 2004
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