171 definitions by nicholas d

A very obese person; a cheese hog. A respectful term, as some people believe that the more matter you can make part of yourself, the better off you are. Originated on "Buffalo This" (buffalothis.blogspot.com) in the "Respect for the cheese hogs" article.
*Ding dong!*
Tim: "Hey there old buddy, it's been a long time!"
Bill: "Sure has. We used to rule this town back in the day. It's good to be back."
Tim's mom: "Is that little Billy? Tell him I say hi. I'd come in there if I could fit through that darned doorway!"
*earth rumbles*
Bill: "Dude, is that your mom making the floor shake like that? Let me take a look..." (runs into other room)
Bill: "DAAAAAMN dude she is a chee-ee-eese hog! That woman got huge!"
Tim: "Not cool, man."
Bill: "No, I mean it in a good way. She's an extremely adept matter accreter - I bet she has 500 lbs to her name!"
Tim: "Oh, well then thanks. You should tell her that yourself! I bet she'd be thrilled."
by nicholas d August 1, 2008
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A phrase used to describe a stark difference between two things. Similar to day and night, except it implies an improvement of the situation rather than a deterioration.
Democrat: "Wow, I'm so happy that Obama is in the White House now. The difference in our country's leadership has been night and day."
Republican: "Actually it's been day and night. George W. Bush was the man."
Independent: "You're both wrong. It's been night and night. Both parties are corrupt as hell."
Libertarian: "No, I'd say it's been more of dusk and twilight."
Left-leaning moderate: "You're crazy. It's totally been dusk and dawn."
Normal person: "Seriously guys, shut up."
by nicholas d March 15, 2009
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A night when you go straight for the hard stuff because you're in it to get wasted, not just to get a slight buzz. A country term, often used when one is getting over a stressful occurrence.
"Is it a whiskey night, or just a couple beers? I mean what kinda gone are we talkin' 'bout here?" -Chris Cagle, "What Kinda Gone"

Son (prancing in): "Hey dad, guess what, I'm GAAAAAAY! Meet my new boyfriend, Jean-Claude."
Dad: "Oh lord, looks like this is gonna be a whiskey night..."
by nicholas d May 9, 2008
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A catch phrase popularized by the video "My New Haircut." Said when someone is on a roll or in a state of extreme focus and does not wish to be interrupted by someone that he/she deems unimportant and irrelevant.
From "My New Haircut":
Guy at desk: "Sir, you have to sign in."
Guido: "Not now chief, I'm in the fucking zone."

Kindergarten Teacher: "Who wants to read the next couple pages of 'The Cat in the Hat?'. Let's see...Jimmy, how about you?"
Jimmy: "Not now chief, I'm in the fucking zone."
by nicholas d January 19, 2008
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A rhetorical question used when one is in a difficult predicament and the circumstances suddenly change in his/her favor, such as when the person in trouble pulls out a gat or when his/her posse shows up ready to whoop some ass. Often followed by "bitch" or "punk" to further assert dominance.
Barack Obama: "Now that I've won the Iowa caucus, I have the Democratic nomination in the bag. The New Hampshire primary is going to be a walk in the park."
(Hillary Clinton wins New Hampshire primary)
Hillary Clinton: "Hell yeah! What's up now, bitch???"
(Barack Obama wins the Democratic nomination)
Hillary Clinton (obviously insincerely): "Congratulations, Senator Obama. I am so happy for you. The American people definitely made the right choice."
Barack Obama: "Three words, Senator Clinton: WHAT'S UP NOW?!?!?!"
by nicholas d February 27, 2009
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A simple drinking game that simply involves a smooth table surface (usually 6-9 ft long), 2 or 4 players, several cans of beer (as many as you want to drink), and a floor you don't care about getting beer all over. NOTE: The table should be watered down for optimum can-sliding.

The rules:
1) Players alternate sliding full beer cans back and forth across the table.
2) 3 possible outcomes occur:
a. The beer can falls short. Nothing happens.
b. The beer can falls over the edge. The other player must CATCH IT (this takes minimal coordination, but you'd be surprised how clumsy some people are). If you don't catch it, someone will probably have beer explode in his/her face later.
c. The beer can hangs over the edge. That is, if you get under the edge and can see can bottom, it counts. In this case, the other player must DRINK IT. All of it. Then get a new beer can to play with.
NOTE: The drinking player must open the can no more than one foot from his/her face. If the can has been dropped, the explosion can get ugly.
3) The other player/team gets a chance to slide the beer can across the table.

This is a fast-moving game. Generally the can is slid every 5 seconds or so. You also consume a good amount of beer in not much time, so 30 mins or so of this game makes for a great pre-party activity. If 4 players play you can slide either one or two cans at a time. An expert variation is to play with bottles...just make sure you have a soft floor in this case.
Ebenezer was a beirut champion in college back in the 1940's. Now he's lost his shooting touch, but his shufflebeer skills have made him the talk of the retirement home and have had Mildred, Ethel, and Agatha wanting to get all up in his Depends.
by nicholas d January 27, 2007
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A nickname for former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, who was impeached for attempting to accept bribes to fill Barack Obama's empty U.S. Senate seat. Originated on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" and is a play on the title of the movie "Slumdog Millionaire," which was popular at the same time as the Blagojevich scandal. The "Million-hairs" part of the name refers to the impressive amount of hair on Blagojevich's head.
Senate candidate: "I'd like to express interest in President-elect Obama's vacant senate seat. I feel that my qualifications are right for the job."
Blagojevich: "What? Tell it to my pants pockets! Let's see...I'll give you the seat if you give me $1 million in unmarked benjamins, get a hot dog named after me at The Wiener's Circle in Chicago, and brush my hair for an hour every morning for the next year."
Senate candidate: "Forget it, Scumdog Million-hairs, I do not bow to corruption!"
Blagojevich: "Really? Are you serious? You're a politician. Come on."
Senate candidate: "All right. Take out the hair-brushing part and we've got a deal."
by nicholas d February 23, 2009
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