18 definitions by ncknobster

A person who has an insatiable desire to send words and their definitions to the Urban Dictionary web site.
That fuckin' Norton is a urbaholic!

He was admitted to the the half way house because he was an urbaholic.
Don and Gerard were worried about their friend because he was a cronic urbaholic.
by ncknobster February 25, 2011
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One of the five basic turd colors, often mis-spelled "Sweet Potatoe Orange". This is the most common turd color varying in consistency depending on one diet. A Sweet Potato Orange is concidered to be a "healthy" turd, with the proper amount of bile to move smoothly through ones digestive tract, leaving little remnants on ones poop shoot.
Gerard felt like a million bucks, having just unloaded a humungous Sweet Potato Orange.

The house was permeated with the stench of his Sweet Potato Orange.

Having consumed carrots, acorn squash and pumpkin pie, he was sure he'd be blessed withg a Sweet Potato Orange the following morning.

Also see, Mid-Night Brown, Jet Black, Jungle Green and Ruttabaga Red
by ncknobster March 8, 2011
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One of the five basic turd colors. This is probably the most common of turds, having the correct amount of bile (thus its "Sweet Potato" coloring) making for easy passage. Eating large quantities of carrots or acorn squash can almost assuredly guarantee you a Sweet Potato Orange the next morning.
Also see: Mid-Night Brown, Jet Black, Jungle Green, Ruttabaga Red
To his surprise he went to fart a fart but dropped a Sweet Potato Orange in his britches.

AHHH, I'm feeling healthy today, just dumped myself a nice Sweet Potato Orange.

The smell of Sweet Potato Orange permeated the house.
by ncknobster March 1, 2011
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When pinching a loaf (taking a bowel movement) and your turd drops, the resulting water splash hits you directly, dead center in your anus. This can be equated to a bulls eye when playing darts. The water droplet must be precisely dead center to constitute a "holes eye", a VERY EXTREMELY rare occurrence.
While taking my morning coffee dump, I experienced a holes eye.

The urine and feces filled water nailed him directly, dead center, in his anus resulting in a holes eye.

The chances of that that happening again are about as much as a holes eye.
by ncknobster February 6, 2011
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