108 definitions by natalie

little blue critters that live in teapots and come out at night to teabag unsuspecting straight guys
"Man, those assgoblins got me last night"

"those assgoblins had massive balls"
by natalie December 9, 2003
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being cool, good, etc. if something is "scene", it is to be assumed that the thing in question is considered a good thing by the person in question. the phrase "to scene for you!" also comes into play, as a way of saying you're cooler than someone else.
"This band is so scene...they're hot sex!"
by natalie January 20, 2004
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Pricey can mean expensive as in describing the price of something.
It can also mean "good", or "fit" if you are describing someone.
1. That jacket's £50. It's well pricey!
2. Omg that boy is so pricey!
by natalie June 16, 2004
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sorely missed cheeky-chappy hollyoaks character.
"jambo should never have left hollyoaks. 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps is wank."
by natalie May 24, 2004
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a sound in written form meaning agreement, 'yes', can also be used as a coy/sexy way of agreeing
1) 'you really like those chips dont you?' 'mm hmm.'

2) 'yo baby, you like when i touch you liek that?' 'mm hmm.'
by natalie May 12, 2004
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TMV stands for The Mars Volta. The most fucking kickass band on the planet.
Me: Have you heard of TMV?
You: No
Me: That makes sense because you are an MTV watching conformist.
by natalie January 23, 2005
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