4 definitions by mypseudonym69

NorCal city full of wannabe gang members who strut around in blue, think they are hard with nothing to back it up. You will drive through the suburbs here and see people who think they are in the ghetto.
People in Santa Rosa are cringeworthy.
by mypseudonym69 June 17, 2022
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What happens when a furry gets mad
Random dude: accidentally steps on furry's tail
Furry: loses its shit and pouncees on him
Onlooker: Damn, that furry went furballistic
by mypseudonym69 May 13, 2019
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A person who makes other peoples alarm bells go off.
That girl is giving me weird vibes. Sus.
by mypseudonym69 March 12, 2021
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A fuckboy. Someone who will fuck anything that moves.
My brother banged his girlfriend, his girlfriends sister, their grandma, and their grandma's dog all in the same night. No wonder our parents named him Chad.
by mypseudonym69 May 14, 2019
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