6 definitions by mr hill fool

to peak on psilocybin mdma and lsd all at once
or to take shrooms ecstasy and acid together
that psycho flip was crazy at that rave
by mr hill fool August 25, 2006
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to take LSD psilocybin and MDMA at the same time
shrooms acid and ecstasy in one trip
that psycho flip fucked my head up
by mr hill fool August 25, 2006
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to take dxm while on mdma
tussin with ecstasy
that robo flip had me trippin ballzzz
by mr hill fool August 25, 2006
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to take mescaline and ecstasy at the same time
that love flip had me ate up
by mr hill fool August 25, 2006
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to peak on ketamine while peaking on mdma
or to take ecstasy with speacial k
that k and them rollz got me k flipping fool!!
by mr hill fool August 25, 2006
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one who explores the realm of hallucinogens such as lsd dxm shrooms dmt mescaline amt lsa and many others. those who enjoy a mind full of cosmic thought and expandition into the beyond of what is altered.
hallucinauts see the world externalize itself into a creature of great proportions which could ever be displayed in any huamnly equation.
by mr hill fool September 12, 2006
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