5 definitions by moosir2u

Someone whom being in close proximity to whilst procuring nourishment exhibits such foul eating habits that projectile ralphing ensues.
by moosir2u July 16, 2010
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One who lives in his parents basement, and throws Star Trek themed ragers. His Spock impression is unparalleled, and all of the slightly more attractive, yet still grotesque convention babes are all over him. Often seen using an authentic TOS communicator and wearing faux pointed ears.
M: Hey! You want to go over to Kenny's place? He's throwing a 72 hour non stop Voyager marathon party while his parents are vacationing in West Virginia.

K: Yeah!
M: It's a red shirt and badge event, no Vulky's allowed
K: Kenny is such a Spockstar.
by moosir2u July 16, 2010
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An excuse used by white trash when refusing to eat their vegetables. Generally quoted by people with an IQ lower than 100, and an unrefined palate.
What do you mean do I want to add side salad? I don't eat rabbit food.
by moosir2u December 30, 2014
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A person who has to have everything their way and puts other people down for having different taste.
Hey man you want to go see a concert tonight?

Who's playing?

Well it's sort of an electronic..

Let me STOP you right there that music is for liberal pussies and gays. It has nothing god fearing to do with it... Pantera? That's a band.

You're such a One Way Joe.
by moosir2u December 30, 2014
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When you're really looking forward to some anal action, but realize that you're all out of water based lubricant. Out of necessity you turn to melted butter and generously baste your penis in preparation for sweet ass lovin'.
M: Did you get some back door action last night broseph?
S: Yeah but I was all out of Astroglide so I ended up basting her turkey in a dutch oven! She was so aroused by the sweet smell of butter and ass juice that she sucked me dry afterward.
M: *fist bump*
by moosir2u September 22, 2011
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