9 definitions by moooooog35


slushveling (v.): The practice of shoveling slush (snow + water).

It's just like regular shoveling, except you immediately throw out your fucking back.
Six inches of snow, then it started raining. I spent 2 hours slushveling, then a week at the chiropractor adjusting my new bout of scoliosis. I'm moving to Florida. Fuck this shit.
by moooooog35 December 9, 2009
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El Poopacabra

A poop of such evil magnitude that it is feared by local natives, much like the El Chupacabra itself.
I just unleashed El Poopacabra. Might want to stay out of there unless you have fire.
by moooooog35 February 7, 2011
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The words you speak when you burp.
John has awesome burpspeak, he can do the entire alphabet after a single swig of beer.
by moooooog35 October 26, 2009
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mental poo

'Mental poo' is stuff that people will start talking about that have no relevance to anything, including the current conversation, and usually includes just random stuff that has no bearing on ANYTHING.

Basically, their head is filled with random shit and they're just spilling.
We were talking about cars and then Jim came over and started spewing all this mental poo.

He started talking about a shit he took and how it reminded him of banging this chick in college and that he needs to go buy bread on the way home.
by moooooog35 October 30, 2009
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Frazzled Vajazzling.

Similar to vajazzling, (the act of applying glitter and jewels to a woman's nether regions) except you put the jewels and shit all over the place in random patterns like you had an epileptic seizure while doing it.
Sue started vajazzling carefully, but then figured that it would look better if her vagina looked like an exploded crystal mine with crap EVERYWHERE so she opted for frajazzling instead.
by moooooog35 March 31, 2010
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A chupacabra of crap.

A shit so hideously monstrous that it would scare villagers.
I was in the bathroom wrenching out a poopacabra.
by moooooog35 February 2, 2011
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Serial Shitter

Someone who is constantly shitting, talking about going to take a shit, or talking about the shit they took.
John the serial shitter just headed off to the bathroom to take his third shit of the day. I know this because for some fucking reason he won't stop telling me about his other ones. I know one had no breakage and possibly set a length record, and the other had orange specks in it.
by moooooog35 December 22, 2009
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