8 definitions by monkeymanta

The complete, polar opposite of saying happy birthday.
Person: Happy birthday!
Guy: Not really, I have terminal cancer and I'm going to die in a few hours.
Person: ...Sad deathnight!
by monkeymanta December 13, 2009
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When you're eating food from a fast food restaurant and you fart, it has that distinct smell that smells awefully like the inside of the restaurant.
My sister was eating food from McDonald's and she had a fast food fart. It smelled just like the restaurant.
by monkeymanta November 30, 2008
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Dude, the entire crowd paramoshed at last night's Paramore concert. It was huge.
by monkeymanta May 1, 2009
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A bowling reference to the turkey that should have happened. Defined by bowling a 0 spare followed by two strikes.

Damn, I bowled a 0/XX. Just give me a gimme-turkey on my score card.
by monkeymanta February 24, 2009
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The complete, polar opposite of laughing out loud. Abbreviated ciq, instead of lol.
Boy: Let's talk literally today. Laughing out loud.
Girl: Okay.
Boy: You are fat.
Girl: Crying in quietly.
by monkeymanta December 13, 2009
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