71 definitions by moggraider

A member of a group of middle-aged women on the internet who believe they are all married to Severus Snape from the Harry Potter books -- on the astral plane. They have real-life meetings where they take turns channeling the spirit of Snape so they can have wedding ceremonies with him.

There is in-fighting over whom Snape loves more and whether Snape is an emotional wooby who just needs to be loved, or a domineering master who lives to be dominant.

by moggraider April 4, 2008
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An adjective describing a task, endeavor, or prospect significant enough to motivate a lazy bachelor to put on pants and get out of the house.
"You're asking me to come watch LOST Season 3 again? Man, that is so not pants-worthy. Talk to you later."
by moggraider May 13, 2010
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Taking back your approval of something that's been said or done, or something posted online.

This term originates from Facebook, where you can publicly say you "like" something, and then have the option to take the "like" back. "Unlike" does not mean you dislike something.
"I really like the shading and texture on this picture you drew of a man in a prison cell. Oh wait; the man is supposed to be me. Unlike."
by moggraider July 30, 2009
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The name for a deviant sexual act where a male third party intrudes on a heterosexual couple's act, then forces anal sex with the female partner. The third party is usually a friend of the initial male partner.
Actual message board topic:

Subject: "Can you be charged with rape for doing the sneak king? (suprise butt sex)?"

Body: "You bring a girl back to your place and start having sex with her on top. Then when she is really getting into it your buddy, who she doesn't know about, comes out of hiding and sticks up her anus and says sneak king *****"
by moggraider November 5, 2009
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A slang word meaning "game of the year," the abbreviation of which is "GOTY."

Source: Gamespot's "The Hotspot" Podcast, week of December 9, 2007.
Warhawk is a contender for the PS3's goaty.

My goaty would have to be The Orange Box.

Super Mario Galaxy and Halo 3 are strong choices for the overall goaty.
by moggraider December 13, 2007
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"Just got to nip to the disgustatorium. No need to think about what I'm gonna do!"
by moggraider April 12, 2014
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occurs when a woman wears tight jeans without underwear and the hard seams painfully mash themselves into her undercarriage, leaving an angry red waffle-like pattern.
When Jerri first heard of what getting a twatwaffle was, things just got real for her.
by moggraider May 16, 2008
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