12 definitions by midna!

When someone is addicted to adding words/definitions to Urban Dictionary. A site where you can create you're own definition for things.
I've got urban dictionary addiction, gotta add some more words!
by midna! July 20, 2009
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To look up a certain girl on Facebook.
Some person "I haven't seen her for awhile, I should Facebook her."
by midna! August 11, 2009
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One of the worst Mario games and N64 games I've played. The game has bugs which is somehow so easily overlooked and it gets me mad everytime I play it. I broke all my N64 controller due to getting mad at this game, now gotta wait to get another so I can finish the game and sell it.
Eva: Did you finish Super Mario 64, yet?
Midna: No, because my N64 controllers are broken. Gotta get some more, so I can finish that cheating game!
by midna! July 20, 2009
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The name of the Firefox Red Panda.

Pronounced Pweeg (1 Syllable).

Pronounced like the word 'wig' but with the letter 'P' in front and the I is pronounced ee like We or Wii. The 'G' is pronounced like in the word ghost or gust.

The same as ig (like igloo) but with the letters 'PW' in the front.
Pweegue always seems to be sleeping!
by midna! July 20, 2009
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The fox (that is actually a red panda) thats on the Mozilla Firefox logo.
Pweegue is the best ever, so is Firefox!
by midna! July 20, 2009
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Used to describe something that is awesome.

Used a lot by Lane Fournerat.
Lane is Aww... Shiggity Shank!
by midna! July 20, 2009
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