10 definitions by matthew larsen

1. A chubby or overweight person, usually found with a twinkie in hand.
2. A horny fat bitch who cheats on her boyfriend.
3. Similiar to nublet when describing an annoying n00b who you suspect is fat.
4. A word stolen by Nick (slownick).
Erinzilla: I can't believe you posted out e-seckz on www.livejournal.com/~erinexploited .
Matt: Stfu Chublet.
Erinzilla: -Cries him a river-
Matt: -Goes for a swim- GG CHUBLET!1!
by matthew larsen February 4, 2005
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1) To go out and ninja in the night.
2) To pork a girl, at night(or somewhere dark), with blinding speed.
3) To frolic amongest the treetops.
Ninja_Matty: We must go out and ninja in the night.
teh_ninja_naf: Agreed. Let me get my boomarang
Ninja_Matty: I'll get our ninjaroos mounts! =D
by matthew larsen February 23, 2005
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1) When something is more fabulous than fabulous.
2) Tab
Matty: This Tab is Fabtabulous!
Mike: Agreed, it is most tangy and fabtabulous.
by matthew larsen July 16, 2005
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1. A strapping young lad called Mike
2. Someone with a blocked shaped head, and a large forehead.
Matthew: Mike, i cannot understand how you can be considered God in bed when you look like frankenstein.
God: LMFAO Frankencock.
by matthew larsen February 13, 2005
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Matty: Man I have never been SO surrounded by so much bloody emoeroticism, I think I'm gonna puke.
Mike: I think I just puked a little in my mouth already.. Ewww..
by matthew larsen August 28, 2006
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Much like homoerotic this world holds it's passé under the bridge. When one is "emoerotic" they have a tendency to be emo, in much the same way as a homoerotic person has a tendency to be a brown-digger.

Emoeroticism is a variant of Emoerotic, but whilst still a noun, should be used in a sentence with correct grammar.

Below are some examples of how you would use the two words.
Matty: Ashley quit being so fuckin' emoerotic
Ashley: -Cries a river-

Matty: Man I have never been SO surrounded by so much bloody emoeroticism, I think I'm gonna puke.
Mike: I think I just puked a little in my mouth already.. Ewww..
by matthew larsen August 28, 2006
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1. A fruity person. ie; The f stands for fruity & faggot and because pumpkin is a fruit it emphasizes this fact.
2. A person named luke.
Matthew: Luek u r a frumpalushious frumpkin
Shade . o O ( ROFL! )
by matthew larsen February 19, 2005
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