99 definitions by mary

A band made up of two men named, Benjamin Gibbard and Jimmy Tamborello. They have a cd called "Give Up". They are quite fantastic.
The Postal Service rocks my damn world.

The Postal Service "Sleeping In" is a superb song Pete!
by mary March 1, 2004
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when someone is just so incredibly ugly, they are fucking nasty or narsty.
that guy is so farsty he should wear a bag over his head.
by mary December 2, 2004
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a poOpie brain but also the bestest train bud in the world.
by mary July 20, 2003
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originally a mispelling of 'meow' on the internet... then came to be random word used when you have nothing else to say...
"See..I have this friend...he died yesterday..."

by mary February 23, 2004
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Versace, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, and Burberry, anything that is fashiontacular
by mary November 21, 2012
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1) A person trained in the art of preparing and serving espresso.
2) Anyone who prepares and serves coffee products in a coffee shop.
(Italian for "bartender.")
It's essential for a barista working at Starbucks to know the difference between a latte and an espresso.
by mary October 21, 2003
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a known tryhard
jealous of other peoples skills
needs to wordEAD/word
ffs twizt stop being a faggot
by mary January 6, 2003
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