6 definitions by mark marshall

Loony Liberal Left, as represented in blogs and forums by LLL or 3L. Sometimes ironic or satirical statements will be followed by the modifier /LLL as in "Looniness OFF".
The allegation of election fraud was dismissed as just feverish LLL rumination.
by mark marshall November 11, 2004
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A political website or mindset that is prone to wild accusations and is especially susceptible to conspiracy theories.
Vince Foster's death is still called murder in the fever swamps.
by mark marshall November 13, 2004
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Please Ignore My F***up. As in SNAFU, the (F) is reader assigned. Posting in blog comments or non-editable forums, sometimes perfectionists (or just anal people) will add a post correcting a typo that slipped through preveously, then add PIMF.
make that "previously"
by mark marshall November 13, 2004
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Someone who blows a seemingly insurmountable lead in any competitive endevour. A person or team that suffers a nervous collapse caused by pressure of winning.
by mark marshall December 5, 2004
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Alex Rodriguez - variation of his common nick of "ARod". Most likely coined when his usage of lip balm looked a lot like lipstick. Came into wide usage (outside of NY) after his illegal swipe at the pitcher in Game 6 of the 2004 ALCS.
"It figures Gayrod would try to cheat"
by mark marshall November 13, 2004
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To win repeatedly against an opponent. See bitch
That makes four in a row - I own you
by mark marshall November 14, 2004
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