4 definitions by liamwh

1. A way of saying yes or yeah with more attitude.

2. What Ariana Grande says 30-50 times in the majority of her songs.
Ari: Break up wit yo girlfriend, yuh yuh, cuz i'm bored

Ari fan: yuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuhyuh...
by liamwh April 12, 2019
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National End of No Nut November, more commonly known as NENNN. It marks the end of the month where you cannot nut and you can finally ejaculate to your heart’s content.
Guy 1: It’s December 1! No Nut November has finally ended!

Guy 2: I can finally fuck my girlfriend again! Have I introduced you to her yet? Her name’s Righty. Shhhh though, I’m cheating on her with her twin sister Lefty.

Guy 1: Fuck man-
by liamwh November 2, 2019
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An outdated term used to describe transgender people.

It is outdated, as gender and sex is described as separate things. Gender is now described as a social construct and is what a person identifies as and what pronouns they use, whilst sex is used to describe the biological, unfortunately unalterable chromosome which determines the birth sex of the person
Transsexual should no longer be used to describe Transgender people as it is outdated.
by liamwh November 2, 2019
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a guy who isn’t even fit that 13 year old girls who say things like ‘eye-‘ ‘oop-‘ are obsessed about. these ‘stand’ usually claim to be bisexual and have a crush on the ugly actor brie larson who queerbaits all the time.
creepy girl 1: omg it’s tom holland! quackson quackson quackson
tom holland: please leave me alone, this is my grandfathers funeral
creepy girl 1: XD danger noodle!
by liamwh November 2, 2019
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