47 definitions by lexicali slim

the opinion which dare not speak its name despite centuries of fighting and dying in the cause of my right to speak it.
q:what happened to your windshield?
a:i'm guessing it's a comment on my "truck the foops" bumper sticker
by lexicali slim September 20, 2009
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phenomenon whereby nothing new ever actually happens. millions of angry, brainless, slack-jawed simpletons monopolize every bit of bandwidth extant texting their frustration about this intolerable state of affairs because they believe there must be a reason for their lot, ergo the atmosphere is rent and the culture shifted. the mindless uninspired who insist on affixing a title and definition to a perennial state of nothingness are proof that nothing is ever new. one day it's nascar, the next day teaparties.
it's like- oh, my god- i'm like totally freaking out. peace out, orange county, i'm like so totally over this culture shift.
by lexicali slim February 27, 2010
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intrinsic definition of metrosexual, an idiomatic obfuscation of asexual or sexual in any manner about which one is confused or ashamed.
emotional dishonesty+cheap shoes=geo metrosexual
by lexicali slim September 21, 2009
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confused attempt to communicate by use of punctuation keys on a device with a complete alphabetical keyboard.
;/* i perceive as some sort of comment however emoticonvoluted
by lexicali slim September 23, 2009
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practical joke gone tragically wrong. fearing their daughter might one day occupy a position of high moment, strategic importance and international infamy, the reverend and mrs john and angelena rice gave to their only child a name of such improbable ugliness and unwieldly, supurfluous vowel usage as to cauterize any chance of success in public life. sadly, the world now knows their daughter condoleezza as the highest ranking bunifa extant, house negro (see; malcom x's definition), accomplice and willing tool of the criminal george bush regime.
mamma; gastroniquia, where my popeye chicken at?
bunifa; condoleezza done et it up with marss dick chainie
by lexicali slim September 26, 2009
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one who charts the physical whereabouts of asians or acts as a divinator of things asian.
i'm looking for a thai restaurant. is there an orienteer in the house?
by lexicali slim September 15, 2009
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egregious, patently absurd public relations campaign proffered by mining companies to reaffirm you are as ignorant as they think you are if you believe there is such a thing as clean coal
clean coal = dirty air
by lexicali slim September 27, 2009
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