5 definitions by leeea

Good Case Practice. Yet another abbreviation used by the student organisation AIESEC that denotes its current structure with a focus on results.
''Thank you for letting me inherit your automatically updating graphs, this GCP of yours will save me a lot of time"
by leeea January 25, 2021
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The term traces back its very roots to the tradition of the student organisation AIESEC. The members of this organisation, in an attempt to fulfill their own humankind potential everyday to the fullest, tend to inexhaustibly add the most trivial of tasks - like taking the dishes out of the dishwasher- to their Google Calendar... a tool, which they find of highest indispensability to the leaders of tomorrow.
Darling, if you set 'Be happy' as a New Year's Resolution you will never be happy. Like, fine, be happy, but ...when, how often, how much, how long be happy? Now, if you set 'Get up at 8 am every day and work one hour on project X' you might one day be indeed happy. You know why? Exactly. The task is measurable, trackable, attainable ... It is googlecalendarable.
by leeea April 12, 2021
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Personal Development Plan
Yet another fancy word used by AIESEC to define a talk a member has with their direct team leader (usually the vice president) at the beginning of the semester to set their main goals, vision for the following months.
''Hey, we need to schedule a PDP in the next week but please remember this time that this is not a free therapy session.''
by leeea January 25, 2021
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''Customer Flow"
Yet another infamous abbreviation used by AIESEC to define the complete process an exchange participant goes through. It consists of Attraction, Consideration, Preparation, Experience and Post Experience.
''I think there are many bottlenecks in the Attraction of our CF because Marketing won't do it's goddamn job to provide Sign-Ups on our exchange platform.''
by leeea January 25, 2021
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''executive board meeting''
Used by the student organisation AIESEC to define a weekly meeting... with the executive board (vicepresidents and president), as you might have guessed.
''I don't think I can make it to the EBM tonight, I totally forgot about my assignment due Tuesday.''
by leeea January 25, 2021
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