24 definitions by kungfu

Mythical Animal- The shannon six or also known as "six" is a hybrid creature thought to have been created by the genetic fusion of the Genes of Tom Green and Conan O'brian. Some speculate that the "six" is a result of long term living in the Longmont and Loveland area, where, experts agree that the so called "six" currently roams in the northern portion of Colorado. The "six" is often spotted by tourists and hunters. When caught off gaurd the "six" is know to point and yell, run around pantless, hide peoples remote controls and left shoes, quote lines from aliens or Conan the barbarian. If one ever sees the Shannon Six it is wise to simply nod your head and back away to the nearest exit.
At first I thought I was looking at a man but then I realized it was in fact the Six!
by kungfu April 1, 2005
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Exactly what it sounds like. A very hard punch to the buttocks. An excellent retort when you've been farted on. If done fast enough the sounds of the fart should speed up or change pitch.
bob thought he was being funny when he stuck his ass over my shoulder and farted he stopped laughing when I butt punched him.
by kungfu April 4, 2005
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1.A term used in the extreme motorcycle stunt riding, refering to the ones who started it all of used as a term for those who have been involved in the sport for a long time.
Todd Colbert, Gary Rothwell, AC Ferias, 1096, Starboyz, Wheelie Boys,
by kungfu April 4, 2005
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Short for the "Taiway to Hell". A 155mm towed howitzer model m198. The name comes from its section chief Sgt. Tai Yamauchi and the popular ac/dc song Highway to Hell. In the opinion of the cannons gunner "morriss" The howitzer was thought to be cursed by the name. Hard times often fell onto the Taiway and it's crew but still remains a legend in Marine Corps field artillery world wide.
I served as a cannoneer on the Taiway.
by kungfu April 1, 2005
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yet another funny sounding word for sex.
Oh man I want to skawnk the hell out of her
by kungfu April 4, 2005
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Really great. Perfect. Can't get any better.
That 1970 chevelle LS-6 is tits pierre.
by kungfu April 4, 2005
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1.A biblical term-The one who goes against the joke. The destroyer of humor and punchlines.
2. Horwitz
"your not funny, your like the anti-joke".
by kungfu April 1, 2005
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