4 definitions by knotsandivy

the ipod that constantly plays in your brain when your high, also refereed to as Hpod.
"dude i have some crazy shit playing on my HighPod"
by knotsandivy January 7, 2010
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A word to disguise marijuana.

The last name of Alphonse Mucha a nouveau artist from the late 1800s to early 1900s.
"dude grab the bag of mucha"
"this mucha is going to taste awesome"
"its mucha time"
by knotsandivy January 7, 2010
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a bad ass kind of dude, prefers to chill and have a good time.
dude im bored...... go hang out with Nicholas.
by knotsandivy January 9, 2010
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