2 definitions by kewldudette

A person who wants to take over the world in a hitleresque manner (with a touch of Stalin, Mussolini, etc). However, opposses the NRA, hates any form of republicans, and is actually a very kool dude.
Enave will one day conquer Donlon and all evil vice principals after massive strategy preparation on dfilm.com.
by kewldudette October 22, 2003
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A holiday much like Spain's Day of the Dead. Everyone dresses up in costumes and little kids go around their neighboorhood trick-or-treating for candy. Pumpkins are carved and spooky decorations are set up.
In the spirit of halloween people decorate their house with spooky adornments (ie spiderwebs), but at my house we celebrate my birthday!!!! Go Halloween Babies!!
by kewldudette October 29, 2003
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