28 definitions by kerry

A girl gets pregnant like in the song Love Shack by the B-52's.
You're what?... Tin roof, rusted!
by kerry August 18, 2004
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Another word for a beer. Created circa 2004.
Hey, can you get in that cooler and hand me another beezo?
by kerry July 11, 2004
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its a variation of biatch which is a variation of bitch with a random Z thrown in there... it means the same thing though...
Sarah's a bizatch!
by kerry January 24, 2004
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a "cooler" way of saying yup

carol's word of saying yup
kerry - did u go to the doctor's today...

carol - yuppoh
by kerry August 5, 2004
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Derogatory designation for poor or working-class white people. Sometimes adopted ironically by said people out of pride and defiance.
by kerry July 29, 2003
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