80 definitions by kayla

1. very, very large
2. superfluous
That bowl we smoked was gormundo.
by kayla January 13, 2005
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short for luxurious...meant in the sensual way...
oh this velvet blanket wrapped around me is so lux.
by kayla December 2, 2003
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An emo kids expression, complaints, or other emo comments.
Emokid1: All I really know is my heart is bleeding as I cry one thousand tears for you....
NormalPerson1: Stop it with the emoans...
by kayla June 16, 2006
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1. a band that used to be pretty good consisting of 3 kids who were pretty bored. One day they decided that they wern't famous enough, and sold out. They started wearing all black and eyeliner and started hating bush. Becasue that was the cool thing to do. Suddenly, a million 10-12 year old girls started saying billie joe was so hott, even though he is old and has children. Suddenly, Green day got a million new fans, all of which had no knowledge of their previous CDs.

2. A whole day of getting high.

Person: Hey, want to listen to nimrod?
Green Day "fan": who is that by?
Person:Green day, i thought yo liked them
green day "fan": i do. but they only have one cd... thats all they play on mtv

Haha.I had the best green day yesterday.
by kayla June 18, 2006
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tramp, slut, skank, stripper, whore, bitch.... all the things that are related in anyway to these
katee, alysia, bree, courtney...and all those other skanks in my grade
by kayla July 24, 2003
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