5 definitions by katbeanS

"dude what do i write for queston 3?"
by katbeanS October 4, 2020
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A thing you may have stumbled upon, because either you are procrastinating the fuck out of your assignment which is due in a few hours or out of sheer boredom. Maybe you have been searching these types of things for almost 2 hours already, and you wanted to find an undefined one. But guess what. I have stolen this one here. Go find your own. Or write another one just like mine, but mine was first, so imma be better.
guy: im so fucking bored
guy2: i know right! i already tried zasxcdfvbghnmjklpoiuytrewq and poiuytrewqasdfghjklzxcvbnm but someone got there first. try plkmnbvcxzaqwertyuiojhgfds.
guy: nupe some douche already defined it.
by katbeanS October 12, 2020
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if you've found this you're probably incredibly bored and in the middle of class. this is one of the rarer "boredom words" that you can get by dragging your finger across the keyboard. and you're trying to find one that hasn't been defined yet.
person in class: "Seriously, someone already defined plmnbvcxzasdfghjkoiuytrewq?! damn."
by katbeanS October 5, 2020
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i have no idea how u managed to find this, it's literally just a keyboard slam.. but congrats anyway i guess.
by katbeanS November 11, 2020
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in class and trying to find those 26 letter boredom words that haven't been described yet. good luck.
"damn someone already defined plmnbvcxzasdfghjkqwertyuio?"
by katbeanS October 5, 2020
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