A thing you may have stumbled upon, because either you are procrastinating the fuck out of your assignment which is due in a few hours or out of sheer boredom. Maybe you have been searching these types of things for almost 2 hours already, and you wanted to find an undefined one. But guess what. I have stolen this one here. Go find your own. Or write another one just like mine, but mine was first, so imma be better.
guy: im so fucking bored
guy2: i know right! i already tried zasxcdfvbghnmjklpoiuytrewq and poiuytrewqasdfghjklzxcvbnm but someone got there first. try plkmnbvcxzaqwertyuiojhgfds.
guy: nupe some douche already defined it.
by katbeanS October 12, 2020
Get the plkmnbvcxzaqwertyuiojhgfds mug.