24 definitions by justanothervictimoftheghetto

An ignorant African American who believes anything Obama says because he is black. They are usually very easy to pick out from a crowd due to their "My president is black" T-Shirts. They have no clue what Obama stands for and are completely blind from the truth, plagued by the lack of education and intelligence.
Daughter(first gen. collage student): Hey mom, why did you vote for Obama?

Mother: 'Cus he's black honaay, he gon' solve all o' mah problems an' gimme free monaay! Oh, and 'cus he's black!

Daughter: Oh god, my mother is an ignobama...
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The act of a man choking a woman between his legs during sexual intercourse while simultaneously ejaculating in to her mouth and creating a "sea" of seamen within.
Dude, I totally gave my girlfriend the Poseidon Chokehold last night and the sea was so deep.
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A genetically inherited trait which only a select few people in the world obtain. It allows one to create a pitch of sound which, if done correctly, can melt gypsies where they stand and killing them.
ZV: Somebody help! I am surrounded by gypsies! Crosby, use your gypsy screech to kill them! HURRY!
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