15 definitions by june t

Stand-in word used when you can't think of the right one. The "sha" is properly pronounced as in the French "Je".
Make it go faster by turning that whoshamacallit.
by june t July 11, 2011
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word for when you don't remember somebody's name
I'll never forget old whoshamacallit who lives in Brandenburg
by june t September 10, 2015
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tiny earphones which hang in your ears
Helen is wearing her dork corks so she won't hear that truck which is about to run over her.
by june t July 11, 2011
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A person who starts a sentence with the word "so"
She always says "so" before everything she says.
Yeah she's one of those so talkers.
by june t June 12, 2019
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A person who starts a sentence with the word "so."
Whenever that guy says anything, he says "so" first.
Yeah, he's one of those so talkers
by june t July 11, 2019
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That bluetooth thing that sticks out of your ear
That dork plug makes you look like Lt Uhuru from Star Trek
by june t June 7, 2010
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That bluetooth thing that plugs into your ear. Sort of like dorkcorks
You look like a jerk walking around talking to yourself when you have a dorkplug in your ear.
by june t July 11, 2011
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