5 definitions by jlyons


a fajita pita-also, known as a fajita on pita bread
Sean was eating a fajita and Courtney put it on pita bread. They shared a fapita.
by jlyons July 7, 2008
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Fucking fone tag-the game you play on cell phones when two people repeatedly call and miss each other leaving voice mails to call back.
Birgit and I have called each other 7 times each. Man, we are playing FFT.
by jlyons July 7, 2008
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a cross between a nerd and a goober. Totally book smart but socially so inadequate that he/she cannot funtion in a group of more than one person.
Susan is married to the biggest nuber. He can quickly clear a room similar to a skunk at a picnic.
by jlyons October 19, 2008
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Gigabyte envy-when someone you are with or see has an electronic device that has more memory than yours.
Courtney was on the plane and the dude next to her had a 160 gig iPod. Hers was only 80 gig. Courtney now has gigvy.
by jlyons July 7, 2008
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We tried to go to the party, but never got there because we couldn't find Robby and the girls never showed. It was a FUD.
by jlyons December 9, 2008
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