301 definitions by jessica

an act of freaking out over usually nothing; overreacting
"Dude he just started to bug out over the guy who glanced at his girl"
by jessica January 14, 2004
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the cool and improved way to say hell ya
R u hot...yuppers!

aka josh
aka jesus
by jessica March 26, 2004
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A marble paint job. Referenced in 'Oh' by Ciara.
Ready take a new whip, paint strip, into a bowling ball
by jessica June 18, 2005
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Kelsey. you're so licky today
by jessica January 30, 2005
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Asking a person to love you
4 represents 4 letters, as does love
2 represents 2 letters, as does me
Star: 42
Steve: No
Star: Please
Steve: I like my hair, lets date
Star: Okay
by jessica May 19, 2006
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thats so zosh. I cant believe that was just said. zosh is such a bad word.
by jessica January 1, 2005
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A feminist can be a man or a woman and it is the opposite of misogynist. Feminism has nothing to do with hating men (which is ridiculous) or being a lesbian (which is fine). It is accepting yourself and being strong in a male dominated society, supporting equal rights, pro choice, overall being proud to be a woman or supporting women who believe this.
I'm tired of all these deodorized tampons created by male dominated corporations. I don't my cunt to smell like flowers, I want my cunt to smell like fish!

-The Vagina Monologues
by jessica July 4, 2003
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