13 definitions by jay-fandoms

this exclamation shows the feeling when your urban dictionary definition gets accepted, you can also use this when you are very excited or happy about something.
by jay-fandoms March 7, 2019
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when you recommend something so much you wanna rate it more than the limit.

or when you liked something so much you would watch it more likely than the limit.
that book is great 11/10 would recommend.
that movie was awesome, 11/10 would watch again.
by jay-fandoms March 7, 2019
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Phil: do you like tomatoes
Arnold: yes'nt
Phil: what
Arnold: what
by jay-fandoms March 7, 2019
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something to do when you are bored, this is made when you type ith first 5 letters on your keyboard
"I was feeling sorta bored so I made a qwerty"
by jay-fandoms December 25, 2018
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marking language is a secret language made up of markings like commas and such, learning it is simple, all you need to do is type the letters and numbers in the same spot as the letters you want to type
person: 2:;5 5:3 "{,'
friend: what?
person: its marking language
by jay-fandoms March 7, 2019
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a way of expressing yourself when you discover something new or something you have never seen before.
person:*discovers something*

also person: owo whats this?
by jay-fandoms March 7, 2019
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