12 definitions by james chadima

Also Known as Tripple Jwhich is one of Australias best radio stations.See www.tripplej.com.au.
JJJ is the best radio station.
by james chadima January 15, 2004
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Anything which is positioned at the back of something.
The boot is at the arse end of the car
by james chadima January 15, 2004
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Australian slang:

Having something that is unjust or just plain wrong done to someone or something.This come from the game of cricket which is regarded as a gentlemans game were fairplay was paramount.
1stperson:Did you see that guy punch that other guy.

2nd person:yeah,its just not cricket.
by james chadima January 14, 2004
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What you call your child when they are up to no good,can have the prefix evil ie:evil spawn.
My dfauaghter can be like spawn sometimes.
by james chadima January 16, 2004
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A thin layer of pre-impregnated fibre glass used to bond two pieces of core together in a composite structure.
After examining the composite structure it was clear the septum had disbonded.
by james chadima January 11, 2004
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To delibritly cause trouble or an arguement by disagreeing with someone even though you think they are right.
John looks like he could do with good shit stir today.
by james chadima January 14, 2004
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