225 definitions by irishREPUBLICANarmy

when terrorists frame the Russians for nuking the USA, and the Americas freak out and nuke the Russians.
See the definition for Mutally Assured Distruction
by irishREPUBLICANarmy March 8, 2004
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1) An awesome 90s Australian band

2) Signs you see everywhere at work zones, even though women are working also.
by irishREPUBLICANarmy May 30, 2004
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I would have to disagree with that statement, because there are plenty of sexy irish people out there, and I am one of them. Czechsmix has no idea what he is talking about sense irish (red) hair would be probably the sexist out there.
Czechsmix has no idea what he is talking about.
by irishREPUBLICANarmy March 9, 2004
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Call of Duty/CoD slang for "Team Deathmatch". Pretty much the best multiplayer game in CoD.
This server only supports TDM play.
by irishREPUBLICANarmy February 28, 2004
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1) The process of comparing an instrument's output signal with reality. Instruments that measure solar energy tend to "drift", that is, their output signals do not mean the same thing from one time period to another. Because of this, they are periodically (annually or semi-annually) re-calibrated against more reliable instruments.

2) Adjusting a measuring instrument to make it accurate. The set of operations which establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system and the corresponding values of a quantity realized by a reference standard.

3) The act of adjusting the color of one device relative to another, such as a monitor to a printer, or a scanner to a film recorder. Or, it may be the process of adjusting the color of one device to some established standard.
This radio needs some calibration.
by irishREPUBLICANarmy December 26, 2003
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1) a song by Bush
2) An food additive used to retain moisture and to keep marshmallows and candies soft.
3) Secondary product of the alcoholic fermentation. One of the main elements that gives body and smoothness to the wines.
4) a sweet syrupy trihydroxy alcohol obtained by saponification of fats and oils
Download the song "glycerine" by bush...it kicks ass.
by irishREPUBLICANarmy December 31, 2004
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