21 definitions by icoinedthat1199

the chicks you always see on snorgtees ads wearing those goofy t-shirts
I saw a snorgtees chick in an ad today wearing a shirt about bacon.
by icoinedthat1199 December 13, 2009
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the act of pretending to look through your purse only to use it as a texting shield during class; many teenage girls use this popular technique
I saw Brittany purse texting in class so Mrs. Johnson wouldn't see her.
by icoinedthat1199 December 15, 2009
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the method of drinking excessive amounts of cranberry juice to supposedly flush weed and/or other toxins out of one's system; many claim that this does not work
Guy 1: "Dude, I smoked a few days ago and I'm getting drug tested on Tuesday! What do I do!?"

Guy 2: "Your only hope is to pull a cranberry flush, bro."
by icoinedthat1199 December 20, 2009
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the few extra pounds one packs on during the holidays from excessive eating
"Aunt Bertha is eating pumpkin pie nonstop."

"Yeah she's gonna have some Christmas chub to deal with after New Years."
by icoinedthat1199 December 15, 2009
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one who draws in tools
Tom: "Brandon brings the weirdest kids to our lunch table. It's embarrassing."

Matt: "Yeah he's what you call tool bait."
by icoinedthat1199 December 21, 2009
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the feeling one experiences when taking a test on a scantron and getting the same answer multiple times in a row; applies to students
I got five B's in a row on my scantron, one of them HAD to have been wrong. I hate scantron paranoia.
by icoinedthat1199 December 29, 2010
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a dream where it legitimately feels like you're taking a piss due to the fact that you actually do need to go; most wake up before they wet the bed, but in some cases the sleeper will actually start pissing in bed

don't get this confused with wet dream
I had a piss dream last night, and I didn't quite wake up in time to catch myself... This is embarassing since I'm a sophomore in high school.
by icoinedthat1199 December 14, 2009
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