8 definitions by hvmh

It's like lookmaxxing, but for looking terrifying.
bro started going to the gym, getting big, growing the beard. Really terrifimaxxing out there.
by hvmh July 11, 2024
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Subset of lookmaxxing, where you maxx how terrifying you can be. ie, get huge at the gym, grow a massive beard.
Joe has been terrifimaxxing recently, constantly working out and growing out the beard.
by hvmh July 11, 2024
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Like dub but more powerful
by hvmh November 10, 2022
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Like bigotry but sus
No sussitry allowed.
by hvmh September 5, 2023
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Means gnite and that you plan to nut before sleeping.
Joseph: Gnutella
Paul: okay..
by hvmh September 25, 2021
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When you are learning Computer Science and programming but unfortunately you don't understand any of the code you wrote down from the tutorial but it works. Not only that you cannot write your own. It is very hard to get out of this and be able to write your own code. So it is a hell.
You can't just watch a tutorial. You have to add new things that wasn't explained or you will never escape Tutorial Hell.
by hvmh April 25, 2020
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Stands For "Hey Vsauce, Michael Here"

whats that?

Hey Vsauce, Michael Here

Go away
by hvmh July 28, 2018
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