4 definitions by hudzell

Placed as an interjection at the beginning of a sentence. Generally used to add emphasis, similarly to "like" or "literally".

It is most commonly used by female or queer teens.
A: *opinion B agrees with*
B: no because you are 100% right

A: last night i had chicken salad
B: no because same
by hudzell March 27, 2022
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"this game is dogshit"

sounds like a proficiency problem to me
by hudzell September 7, 2021
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A certain feeling, mood, or aura that something or someone appears to emit or possess.

Energy used like this can mean many things ranging from how a specific line group feels to appear in digital art, or how a person's stance changes the feeling you get when you look at them, or how a certain font feels to read, or even how specific letter capitalisation can affect the energy of a message.

Energy is essentially an unexplainable underlying feeling that a group of stimuli has, anything and everything has an energy, but it can never be explained with words.
Typing like this, with perfect grammar and punctuation produces a specific energy.

typing like this with bad grammar and no punctuation has a different energy

or even with no capitalization, big words, and proper punctuation and even a period at the end produces a uniquely different energy.
by hudzell September 3, 2020
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Antonym of capless

to be with cap, to be cap, to be deceitful or with impure intentions
All his promises were capful, none of them came to pass.

She spoke capfully, with intent to deceive and to laud herself.

Their organization and its visions are capful, I recommend avoiding any business with them.
by hudzell January 22, 2023
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