28 definitions by honor

As a verb: To accept at face value (to honor a check),
to accept and treat as valid (to honor a debt),
to grant as a privilege (I'm honored by your company),
to respect or pay homage to (the statue honors WWII veterans).

As a noun: A significant part of one's dignity or value (I will defend my honor),
the respect or distinction payed to someone or something (it's an honor to win this award),
something given or used to show respect, status, achievement, or deference (the title "your eminance" is purely honorific) or a title thus purposed (always address the judge as "your honor")

A feminine given name, originating from a hope to bestow a child with certain qualities by invoking those qualities with a name, such as love, faith, hope, charity, chastity, etc.
Yes, my name is Honor... At least my mom didn't choose 'Chastity'.
by honor June 23, 2004
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Born of the typical male concept that the size of one's male sexual organ detirmines one's attractiveness, intelligence, strength, prowess, social status, and overall value in life, the size of one's "internet penis" is a handy, unified measure of one's cumulative internet je ne sais quoi... how large one looms on the vast virtual landscape of the interwebs.

Internet Penis size can be effected by the uberness of one's computer, skills/skillz, general knowledge and the ability to bring it to bear in forums and chat rooms, or any other quality that causes those around you to react along the lines of "woah. pwnage."

Synonymous with e-penis

+5 if used in jest, -15 if used seriously.
You're the only one in the forum who knew how to get the unix server back online, how to make Dreamweaver sort my stylesheets correctly, where to get the latest photoshop plug-ins, -and- how to get past level 66 in "Legend of Binkly". Your internet penis is -huge-.
by honor March 25, 2006
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A Class 8 heavy commercial truck, also known as a tractor, "big rig", or "semi" (for the semi-trailers they haul).... Especially a nice, customized, or "tricked out" example of the conventional, or "long-nose" variety.
'Got my Large Car pullin' a skateboard down the superslab.
by honor March 22, 2007
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Very distant and/or out of the way... Forever.

Often simply 'hell and gone'
Lady, you are hell and gone from Cartegena.
by honor June 23, 2004
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politically or in terms of pop culture: something that has potential or is going to be around a while, or "go far"
Bush handler: This reverse robin hood policy is an idea with legs... We just have to spin it right.

Failed entrepreneur: Car alarms that sing opera! Now there's an idea with legs!
by honor December 24, 2005
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Language designed to sound like something without actually saying anything... Deliberately so ambiguous or watered-down as to be essentially meaningless.
Republicans are in favor of "Strong Family Values"
by honor February 27, 2005
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