18 definitions by hexis

Even though it was an unconvincing group stage win, the streets were filled with celebrating basters.

Khazil is a nice guy, for a baster.
by hexis July 25, 2008
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A slight 'opening up' of the hockey stick while on the forehand, so as to sell the goalie on a forehand shot, in order to go backhand.
He coasted in on a breakaway, gave him the how's she going, slid the puck to the backhand and put it top shelf.
by hexis July 25, 2008
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Variation of loves it, where the additional
<it> stands for surrounding conditions or fate in general. Mainly used in golf where the additional <it> refers to the golf course as an entity.
That shot's started out down the left but it loves it, the wind's blowing the ball right back towards the target.

That doesn't look like a good shot, but wait, it loves it! It bounced out of the rough and onto the green!
by hexis July 25, 2008
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Ferociously sharp fingernails used for ripping open presents.
Jane: Why even bother wrapping those so nicely? The kids are just going to tear them open with their Santa Claws.
by hexis December 24, 2009
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Succulent, exquisite, done with particular flair or relish.

Having a bit of spin or english on a ball.

The s is silent.
Van Nistelroy's pass was ever so jusful.

He was flush in the pocket but the ball was a bit to jusful and it spun right through.
by hexis July 25, 2008
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adj. Able to walk and text message at the same time, avoiding obstacles without ever having to look away from one's fingers.
While seemingly engrossed with the thumbing out of texts, the truly peripatextic individual moves effortlessly along the busy city sidewalk.
by hexis October 16, 2009
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