Originally, referred to emotionally moving rock concert attendees to states of high enthusiasm. By extension, raising any crowd who share interests -- such as music, politics, or religion -- to a state of high enthusiasm.
The warmup act was lame, but the Stones really rocked the house.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in her speech last night, Hillary Clinton really rocked the house. -- Barack Obama
That minister really rocked the house.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in her speech last night, Hillary Clinton really rocked the house. -- Barack Obama
That minister really rocked the house.
by John M. Knapp, LMSW August 28, 2008
similar to "blowing it up," when someone takes a shit that is so potent, it perfumes the entire house.
by kathydumper August 25, 2009
by Riba Tuculo December 1, 2004
Dude, did you hear that track "Ghosts N Stuff?" Deadmau5 rocks house.
After taking a hit from the bong, Rob's imagination was rocking house.
After taking a hit from the bong, Rob's imagination was rocking house.
by DaveTheBraveInACave November 29, 2010
by gorgeous19girl February 13, 2003
by KP-ISR08 October 21, 2008