173 definitions by heather

it's internet slang, stands for I don't know. Sort of similar to the noise most people make instead of saying i don't know.
-what are you doing tonight?
- iono
by heather January 30, 2004
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1.boy who lets people pick on him. they're too "afraid" to tell them to fuck off. most likely an emo boy.

2.guy who's in a boy band, sings like a little girl, acts like a fucking sissy.
1.sissy boy: *crying*

person:"why are you crying?"

sissy boy:"because that guy over there won't stop picking on me!"

2.sissy boy(in boy band)singing a gay ass pop song: *sings*

rocker: *beats the shit out of him with his guitar*
by heather May 2, 2005
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When we went to DISNEYLAND, they kicked us out suddenly.
DISNEYLAND GET OUT OF PUNX! we felt fuckin sick
they told me to wash hair. they told me to take off jackets.
DISNEYLAND GET OUT OF PUNX! we felt fuckin sick
disneyland get out of punx to make fuckin money
disneyland get out of punx to make fuckin dream
disneyland wanna make dream. so they put down punx
DISNEYLAND GET OUT OF PUNX! we felt fuckin sick
they make fuckin money. they make fuckin dream
DISNEYLAND GET OUT OF PUNX! we felt fuckin sick
Here, now we never have to search for the fucking lyrics again.
by heather November 26, 2004
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A cop
Synonym: Pigs, Five-O, The Boys
Ponigs! Put the pipe down!
by heather March 25, 2005
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woman who wears a bow in her hair, who often has an annoyingly perky personality and may be overly intersted in things like her sorority
Buffy is such a bow head that she gave up her scholarship to marry and join the junior league.
by heather December 3, 2003
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Darryl McDaniels of Run DMC; Devastating Mic Control; D = Never dirty, M.C. = mostly clean.
My name is Darryl, you can call him D
You can call me Darryl Mack, or you can call him DMC
People always ask, "DMC, what does it mean?"
D's for never dirty, MC for mostly clean
--King of Rock

DMC stands for devastating mic control
You can't touch me with a ten foot pole
--Rock Box
by heather April 13, 2005
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Ocean City -- known for the best senior week parties for us in maryland...not a beach week or a 3month party like those jersey people have after graduation....its where all the beer is flowing in front of your face, the beach is right at your fingertips, and most of the people down there that have houses are spending as they say 'daddys money'...that is what high schoolers look forward too and what we college people will go to after high school cause we know how bangin it is down there....and no its not like the ocean city in jersey, cause up there in the "stepford" like town, us down here at ocean city, md have just as much money but know how to have a much better time.....
"dude, we are going to ocean city, did u get that 30 cause my house is open for the party"
by heather April 5, 2005
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