3 definitions by givememyfuckinglasagna

1.) The inevitable heat death of the universe

2.) The act of being so pissed off that your anger causes the heat death of the universe
1.) The heat death of the universe is caused by billions of trillions of stars dying and fizzling out

2.) Dude, I'm so pissed off I'm gonna cause the heat death of the universe.
by givememyfuckinglasagna April 2, 2022
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the ONE FUCKING WORD that 12 year old white boys love to overuse to death
girl: can someone open the door for me?

guy: let me get that for you

white boy 1: SIMP

white boy 2: SIMP

white boy 3: SIMP

white boy 4: SIMP

by givememyfuckinglasagna March 22, 2021
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A rule that about 40% of the people in this website ignore
Rule: Don't name your friends

Person: how about I do anyway?
by givememyfuckinglasagna April 2, 2022
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