1 definition by gay4payallday

A game where a bunch of dudes, 2 people or more, point at another dudes crotch and attempt to gently but swiftly touch it. You can only use your index finger, no cupping allowed.
You get 1 point if you touch peen, 2 points for touching balls.
Can be played by gays and straights alike, family members, friends, etc.

You don't want the other dude to touch your peen/balls cuz he will get the point(s)...
first to 5 wins.
Best played if your drinking.
dude #1: hey you wanna play gayness?
dude #2: what's that?

dude #1 points his finger at dude #2's crotch and pokes it.

dude #1: peen! 1 point, yes!
dude #2: My turn!
by gay4payallday July 27, 2009
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