4 definitions by fuckattude

The undying recurrent fungicidal spawn of a common mushroom that inhabits unsuspecting bathrooms of properties that landlords don't give a fuck about. Commonly referred to as: shower shrooms or 'ass hole mushrooms that grow in the shower-because my landlord won't fix rising damp'.
'I have an ass hole of a ba-shroom and I've poured a tone of bleach on it's ass, and the cunt won't die'
'I enjoy having a ba-shroom, it gives the bathroom a real fungus-like touch'
by fuckattude January 23, 2015
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A fucking bad attitude that transcends to all human based communication approaches- often involves fuckwittery and bad manors that exceed all aspects of impulsive human behaviour.
'That man has a serious fuckattude that needs to be addressed'
'I agree his fuckattude is some next level shit'
by fuckattude January 23, 2015
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A fear of hearing, seeing and reading about xenophobic, racist, bigoted, ignorant, sexist and non- scientific statements frequently expressed by one Tony Abbot, the Prime Minister of Australia.
‘ I thought I heard the faint rustle of the Telegraph, and I got a serious case of Xenophatonia
‘I can’t cure my xenophatonia, my doctor said it’s just this long recurrent 3 year infection’
‘My doctor said to be aware of reoccurring infections of xenophatonia exacerbated by airborne viruses: Murdoch, Hocky and Pyne'

Women: “Whilst ironing, my xenophatonia flared up exponentially when Tony Abbot become the minister for woman. As I was concerned the carbon tax would stifle my future ambitions for ironing and general house wife duties ’
Scientist: ‘ My xenophatonia was touch and go for a while there, and I nearly lost an eye’
Colleague: ‘Oh?’ How so?’
Scientist: ‘Well, I stabbed myself in the eye uncontrollably with a fork when it was announced on the news there would no longer be a science minister’.
by fuckattude January 23, 2015
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The rapid collaboration of scientific data, under extreme pretences and or life threatening situations. Often attributed to senile old men in particularly disadvantageous occasions that frequently yell, ‘Good News everyone..’
Hubert Farnsworth: ‘ I’m sciencing as fast as I can’
My ass is on fire, and I’m handling volatile chemicals, probably should be sciencing a little better’
by fuckattude January 23, 2015
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