8 definitions by falcon4 is a douche

A term for people who aren't retarded but act liek they are.
Half the people at West Nottingham Academy are fucking speds.
by falcon4 is a douche October 20, 2004
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The act of using a charged plasma pistol followed by a melee attack in the video game Halo2
by falcon4 is a douche November 2, 2005
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Hottie artist mod from Red Vs. Blue.
Nesnora is so hawt. and her art kicks ass.
by falcon4 is a douche October 20, 2004
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An abbreviated term for vaginal fart. Used by Steve Taylor to royally piss of Mumford.
Steve: Vagifart.

Mumford: Thats a demerit!

Steve: What? I can't say Vagifart?

Mumford: Thats another demerit!

Steve: So your gonna give me a demerit everytime I say Vagifart?

Mumford: Yes, and that's another demerit.

Steve: How many demerit slips do you have left?!

Mumford: Three.

by falcon4 is a douche October 21, 2004
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Engine design used in Daimler Chrysler cars and trucks. Original 10 cylinder version available in the Dodge Viper, Dodge Ram SRT, and Dodge Tomahawk concept motorcycle. 4 thru 8 cylinder versions available in a variety of other Dodge and Chrysler vehicles.
The SRT engine is sweet as hell.
by falcon4 is a douche January 3, 2005
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Getz was so cool. I can't believe that nazi Watson fired him.
by falcon4 is a douche October 20, 2004
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