4 definitions by exclimited

A common prefix of Twitch lingo referring to someone who do what the prefix modify.
React Andy - People who make react content
NFT Andy/Crypto Andy - People obsessed with Cryptocurrency
Youtube Andy - People that stream and make videos on Youtube
STEM Andy - People that works in STEM fields
Twitter Andy - People on twitter
by exclimited October 12, 2021
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Interjection used when something unconventional or sussy happens
🤨 Ayo!?
by exclimited October 13, 2021
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This building passed all sus score and thus has been awarded as the most sus building
by exclimited July 30, 2021
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A slang for Pectus excavatum. A combination of chest + pussy
That's a deep Chussy.
by exclimited October 12, 2021
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