13 definitions by eduardo

A slang for cum when he is sailing in orgasmic fluids. one individual thread of semen.
by eduardo January 10, 2005
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Anal activities which occur at three times the speed of the sound. Can cause intense redness and diahrrea, may be fatal.
I got an El Nino, fuck wat they teach u dumb ass slow and steady leads the way
by eduardo January 10, 2005
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#1 it's when you go to a restaurant and you request that they bring you a toston.
#2 it's when a male "recostar" "rub" his tallywacker in any part of the women's body.
#1 You go to a restaurant and say "Sir! Bring me a toston!"

#2 "Maurizio request your toston!"
by eduardo April 23, 2004
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The boy was being felt in a pulchy way by the gay man.
by eduardo April 18, 2005
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A language created by a Princeton University professor of entymology Gregory M. Taylor, III. Basically consists of substituting the first consenants in a word with the word "man".
Chillin manillin with Bob Dylan.
by eduardo January 17, 2004
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