6 definitions by edgar

animated misadventures of three adolescent boys who live in the same suburban "cul-de-sac". the trio consist of the husky Ed; edd the gatgeteer and schemer, and eddy the self proclamed leader of the group.
they try to get money in scams that they make but evetually something goes wrong
by edgar March 14, 2004
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In a restaurant that is full of hispanics, a floork is a fork that has fallen onto the floor and is put back into use without re cleaning. After put back with the clean silverware, it contaminates the rest of the silverware and all hell breaks loose.
"Aw man, I bet Juan didn't know that he is eating his food with a floork. He probably didn't know it fell onto the floor and Jose put it back with the clean forks."
by edgar March 29, 2004
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A green leafy vine found in most parts of the south that grows 6 to 12 inches per night, will grow on YOU if you don't move, and can be used to make paper.
First I gotta hack the kudzu off'n my tractor.
by edgar April 14, 2003
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an expression of power od domination from one individual to another
by edgar February 18, 2003
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The part under a womens breast.
She was washing her xilinge while in the shower
by edgar January 11, 2005
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