20 definitions by dubeswiggins

Jabport (noun) The covid inoculation passport needed to have a life outside your own 4 walls.
McDonalds employee: 'If you want to dine in I will need to see you jabports" (Said in a thick surly German accent)
by dubeswiggins September 22, 2021
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Viral Footprint : noun term used as a meter to describe the amount viral exposure and potential spread of disease your lifestyle ,habits, and consumption creates at any given time.
Buying groceries and going out twice a month to get them and to feed yourself at home has a smaller viral footprint than getting someone to deliver your food on a daily basis so be responsible and feed yourself in this time of crisis but do not got into the store either and cough all over everything and everyone and make yourself a VIral Sasquatch either.
by dubeswiggins March 25, 2020
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The sickness caused by living sandwiched in perpetual fear first created by the boomers and now them and their millennial spoiled brat kids crying the world is over since start of life . Also starting to effect Gen Z who also have been given no reason not to party like it just doesn't matter.
First it was the threat of nukes killing us and now the have to hear the same never ending crap about the environment from the same people and their kids as well, I hope my depression X doesn't get as bad as Kurt's or I'll end up chewing on a shot gun too.
by dubeswiggins March 27, 2020
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A disease causing excessive masturbation due to boredom of being on a pandemic lockdown.
I went to visit my friend Rob to see if he was doing ok in the lockdown and was worried he might be sick when I saw the piles of tissues but he assured me he's not ill he just has pornoavirus.
by dubeswiggins March 27, 2020
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Any of the increasingly boring videos people are putting on line to try and feel connected to anything in isolation.
Today I logged into bordomflix and watched my friend Gary who posted 5 covideos of himself making meals and doing push ups , I guess we are both really losing it and connection fishing hard.
by dubeswiggins March 29, 2020
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When a person who claimed they were healthy and that covid is just another flu went out and acted like a viral sasquatch with no regard for their own viral footprint ends up on in an ICU begging for their life.
Its pretty sad and vironic Rocco died from the vid ,he was the first one telling us all "don't worry its just a flu if your young and healthy you'll be fine"
by dubeswiggins March 25, 2020
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