8 definitions by drier than the atacama

A mysterious being, lying between the dimensions of abandonment and milk.
"Mummy said my father went off to buy milk a few years ago. He never came back."
by drier than the atacama February 3, 2022
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This country was invaded by the Japs and Dutch. Also Indonesia better than Malaysia. Bali is in here. What does Malaysia have?
Sigmanesian: "Indonesia is beautiful."
Malaysiabeta: "No."
by drier than the atacama February 9, 2022
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upgraded wide putin.
a total chad
putin is a virgin
"Wide Zelensky is so hot."
by drier than the atacama March 10, 2022
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A way of saying: what's good dawg? Intended to ask a question about one's emotions.

by drier than the atacama June 5, 2024
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A sophisticated hoe. They are people who take being a hoe to another level, so much that they pump up their body numbers day and night.
"Amanda is such a pump hoe."

"My grandmother loves Amanda"
by drier than the atacama June 5, 2024
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An overtly Christian movie on communism and TheVarus. Any worship of Our Lord Jesus Christ is banned in the country the movie is set in. The director married an 18 year old. He was around 25.
I love the "2025 - The World enslaved by a Virus."
by drier than the atacama February 4, 2022
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